Blood Orange Farming in Kenya: Demand Beyond Borders

When we talk of blood orange, the outstanding feature we are likely to mention is its reddish to maroon flesh that is due to the presence of anthocyanins compounds. These are compounds that are linked to improving cardiovascular health, enhancing cognitive function, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Apart from these benefits, blood oranges are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that offer numerous benefits just like other citrus fruits. Some of the key nutrients include.

Vitamin C- Vitamin C supports immune function, collagen production, and overall skin health.

Fibre- Blood oranges contain dietary fibre which aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Antioxidants- They include the anthocyanins that have earlier talked about them being responsible for the red colour in the oranges.

In addition to these nutrients, blood oranges provide small amounts of Potassium, Calcium, and Vitamin A, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Blood orange farming in Kenya is not as widespread as other citrus fruits like the other oranges or lemons, but it has been gaining popularity and an increasing interest among farmers in the recent years due to the potential for higher profits. However, compared to other fruits, the cultivation of these oranges is still relatively limited.

In Kenya, Rift valley and coastal regions provide the necessary combination of sunlight, well-drained soils, and sufficient water availability that is suitable for blood orange cultivation.

Cultivation practices.

To successfully farm blood oranges, you have to carefully put attention to the cultivation practices. You can typically propagate blood oranges through grafting on to suitable root stocks of your choice thus ensuring optimal tree health and fruit quality. Proper irrigation management is essential, particularly during the dry season, to support consistent fruit production and prevent water stress. Apart from that, regular pruning and pest management are crucial to control diseases and maintain tree vigor.

Market opportunities.

The market for blood oranges presents promising opportunities for Kenyan farmers. The unique flavor and vibrant colour of blood oranges appeal to consumers both domestically and internationally. Export markets such as Europe and North America, have a growing demand for special citrus fruit like blood oranges. Kenyan farmers can take advantage of this opportunity by producing high quality oranges that meet the international standards in terms of taste, appearance and safety from pests and diseases.

Value added products.

Blood oranges can be processed into juices, jams, and extracts, which can extend shelf life, create additional revenue streams, and capitalize on consumer demand for convenience and health-focused products.

Also Read:A Guide To Enjoying All Year Round Fruits: Off Season Fruits.

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