Dragon Fruit Farming In Sudan: The Basics You Need To Get Started

Very little has been done with regards to dragon fruit farming in Sudan, despite the country having great potential in the production of the fruit. In the Eastern Africa region, Kenya is the only country with substantial investments in dragon fruit farming and the farmers there are reaping big from this sweet super-food.

A Well Established Dragon Fruit Farm

The Missed Opportunity

Having realised the opportunity being missed in Sudan and having received a few requests from the country to help in setting up dragon fruit farms there, I have decided to start by providing you and all other potential dragon fruit farmers in Sudan with these basic steps in setting up their orchards.

What is Dragon Fruit?

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a highly profitable crop going by the experience we get from our neighbours in Kenya. It is loved because of its sweet taste, numerous health benefits and the many different ways in which it can be used. 

Dragon fruit: This is the red variety

Basic For Successful Dragon Fruit Farming in Sudan

Here are basic things you need to know as you start your dragon fruit farm in Sudan:

  1. Type of soil: Dragon fruits are not very selective with regards to soil. They grow well in all types of soils as long as the plant roots are not soaked in water. They also love soils with a lot of nitrogen, so give them a lot of manure. Chicken manure works best for this.
  2. Number of Seedlings per Acre: You need at least 2,000 seedlings to fill up an acre. Remember, dragon fruit vines are planted on supporting structures which can be made of concreate or wooden poles: some people also use plastic poles while other use live plants as the support. I recommend the use of wooden poles because they are more readily available and cheap.
    Wooden dragon fruit posts

  3. Distance Between Seedlings: The recommended distance between the support structures on which you will plant your vines is 2 by 2 meters. This means you will need 1,000 poles for an acre of land. On each pole, you plant 2 seedlings on either side. That is how we arrive at 2000 seedlings per acre. However, some farmers prefer to plant 3 or 4 seedlings on each pole, then have each plant carry fewer branches. This can be advantageous in terms of fruit size and quality.
    Dragon fruit spacing is 2 by 2 meters: 2 plants are put in each pole

  4. Irrigation Method: While dragon fruit plants do not require a lot of water, consistent and well-managed irrigation can help you achieve higher yields and a continuous harvest. Drip irrigation is the best to use for dragon fruit farming, as it allows you to control the water supply efficiently. Make sure to provide adequate water, especially during the growing season. However, be careful not to soak the soils too much as your plants will start rotting away.
    Drip irrigation is best for dragon fruit farming in Sudan

  5. Improved Seeds: Dragon fruits can be grown from cuttings or seeds. However, we recommend growing dragon fruits from cuttings of mature plants, as this method ensures the new plant's characteristics are the same as those of the parent plant. Dragon fruits plants raised from cuttings also mature faster – in about 9 months – while those raised from seeds can take as long as 7 years to give the first fruits. We have the seedlings ready for transplanting and you can order to have them sent to Khartoum: Contact us through Whatsapp +254724698357.
    Ready to plant dragon fruit seedlings

  6. Production Time from Transplanting of Seedlings: As we have stated, dragon fruit plants raised from cuttings will start yielding in about 9 months. In cooler places, they usually start producing fruit within 1 to 2 years after planting from seedlings. This duration is also dependent on other growing conditions, care, and the variety you choose. It may take longer if you do not provide sufficient nutrients and water.
  7. Canopy for Dragon Fruit: In Sudan, you might consider providing some form of partial shading or canopy for your dragon fruit plants. While they do well in full sun in many areas, in very hot and arid regions, some shading can help protect the plants from excessive sun and heat. You do this by growing them under a shade-net as shown in the photo below. However, this is not absolutely necessary.
  8. Help in setting up the dragon fruit farm: We are always ready to help you and with proper arrangements we can even send you one of our field officers to help you in setting up your dragon fruit farm in Sudan.
  9. Farm Size: It's great that you're planning for a 5-acre dragon fruit farm. This is a significant size and can potentially yield good returns if managed well wit help from Richfarm Kenya. The investment thereof is also substantial. We shall share with you some projected cash-flows to give you an insight of the capital requirements.

Remember to conduct soil tests, assess local climate conditions, and consider any local regulations or guidelines before establishing your dragon fruit farm. Also, consulting with local agricultural experts or agricultural extension services can provide valuable insights for successful dragon fruit cultivation in Sudan. Good luck with your dragon fruit farming venture!

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