Custard Apple Farming in Kenya: How To Grow Matomoko For Profit

Custard apple, scientifically known as Annona squamosa, locally known as Matomoko, is a tropical fruit revered for its luscious taste and numerous health benefits. They are known for their rough texture and their pale green colour. With the rising demand for exotic fruits worldwide, custard apple farming has gained momentum as a lucrative entrepreneurial endeavour. 

Custard apple farming

Where to farm custard apple in Kenya

The fruit thrives in warm climates with an annual rainfall of at least 800mm. It requires regular irrigation, especially during the flowering and fruiting stages, to ensure it gives you big, juicy and high quality fruits. With irrigation, it can be grown even in hot arid or semi-arid environments. However, relatively warm temperatures are recommended for suitable fruition. 

Where to get custard apple seedlings in Kenya

You can make your own custard apple seedlings through various techniques, including seed germination, air layering, and grafting. Each method offers specific advantages and drawbacks, and careful consideration should be given to ensure sustainable production. Seedling propagation is the most cost-effective but has a more extended gestation period, while grafting allows for the preservation of desired traits and accelerates tree maturity. Grafted seedlings become commercially viable within two years. 

However, the easiest way to get mature, healthy, ready-to-plant seedlings is by ordering them from Richfarm Kenya nurseries in Embu or Naivasha; you can reach us on 0724698357 or 0723213602.

Common pests and diseases challenging custard apples farmers in Kenya


When you get into custard apple farming in Kenya, the common pests to expect include fruit borer, scale insects, and mites, while fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and anthracnose are prevalent. But do not let these challenges scare you; you can easily deal with them by employing integrated pest management strategies involving biological control methods, cultural practices, and judicious use of pesticides. We have written detailed instructions for you on all these pest and disease control methods which you can read by following those links. 

How to plant your custard apples professionally


You want a successful and profitable custard apple farm; so let me guide you through a simple step-by-step way of achieving this. 

  1. Choose your site well: open fields that receive a lot of sunlight are best for farming custard apples. The soils should be deep and well drained, with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5.
  2. Test your soil: for a good start in custard apple, you must provide the young seedlings sufficient amounts of all the nutrients they need. You can only be sure of the nutrients you need to add by testing your soils. You can call in agronomists from Richfarm Kenya to help you out with this. 
  3. Prepare your planting holes well: the ideal hole is 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. Use the 5x5m spacing if you want the trees to grow without much need for pruning. However, I recommend the 3x3m spacing and regular pruning to achieve high yield and big fruits. Use the top soil of your farm, mixed well with animal or farmyard manure to fill up the hole, leaving only about 10cm for irrigation. 
  4. Irrigate your seedlings sufficiently: please be careful not to over-irrigate the trees. While young seedlings require quite a substantial amount of water for proper establishment, irrigating 2 to 3 times during the dry season is technically enough. 
  5. Mulch: use dry grass or other plant remains to cover the soil around the base of your plants. This will help you retain the soil moisture. The decomposing mulch will also add organic matter to the soil. 
  6. Prune your trees: having done all the above, your trees will be growing fast and producing many branches. While the lush growth is beautiful to the eye, it is important to remove some of the branches to achieve an open canopy that allows free flow of air and penetration of sunlight. 

Your custard apple trees will start flowering in the second year if you plant healthy grafted seedlings. They flower once a year. Flowering is preceded by the shedding of leaves in September, but with irrigation or good rains, flowering and fruit formation can start earlier. Commercial productivity is often achieved from the third year. 

Ensure you observe accurate timing of custard apple harvesting to enjoy optimum quality and flavour. Typically, the fruit is picked when it changes colour from green to pale yellow or whitish, indicating ripeness. Since custard apple is a delicate fruit, be careful in handling the ripe fruits to minimise post-harvest losses. Using sharp tools and gentle handling techniques, such as avoiding excessive pressure and bruising, helps ensure the fruit's integrity.


Custard apples have relatively short shelf lives due to their high water content and perishable nature. Cold storage and controlled atmosphere techniques can help extend their shelf life by reducing physiological changes and microbial growth.

Is custard apple farming in Kenya profitable?

Yes, custard apple farming is one of the most rewarding forms of fruit farming in Kenya. Let us give you an overview of the expected costs and returns here:

·        Cost per seedling- Ksh. 300

·        Seedlings per acre -150

·        Spacing - 5m by 5m

·        Common pest- fruit borer, scale insects, and mites

·        Common diseases- powdery mildew and anthracnose

·        Fruit price- Ksh80-130 per kilo

·        Yield- 700kgs or 100 fruits per tree

·        Lifespan - 30 years plus


The reason why many people are attracted by custard apple farming in Kenya is not only its profitability. This fruits also delicious and offer several health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of custard apples:

  1. Rich in Nutrients: Custard apples are a good source of essential nutrients especially  vitamin C and vitamin A, minerals (potassium and magnesium), and dietary fiber which aids in digestion and prevents constipation. 
  2. Heart Health: The potassium content in custard apples helps regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of heart diseases. Additionally, the dietary fiber we mentioned earlier helps lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Immune System Support: The high vitamin C content in custard apples is beneficial for the immune system. It helps the body fight off infections and illnesses.
  4. Antioxidant Properties: Custard apples are rich in antioxidants, which can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and slow the aging process.
  5. Skin Health: The vitamin A in custard apples is important for maintaining healthy skin and vision. It can also help prevent skin conditions like acne and promote a glowing complexion.
  6. Digestive Health: The fiber in custard apples aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system and can help alleviate digestive problems like indigestion and constipation.
  7. Energy Boost: The natural sugars in custard apples provide a quick source of energy, making them a great snack option, especially for those with active lifestyles.
  8. Bone Health: The presence of calcium and magnesium in custard apples contributes to healthy bones and teeth.
  9. Aid for Anemia: Custard apples contain iron, which can be beneficial for individuals with anemia or those at risk of iron deficiency.
  10. Anti-Inflammatory: Some compounds found in custard apples may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be helpful for conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  11. Nervous System Support: Custard apples contain vitamin B6, which is essential for a healthy nervous system and brain function.

However, never consume custard apple seeds as they are considered poisonous and diabetic persons should take small quantities of the fruit due to the high starch content.

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