Chia Seeds Farming in Kenya: New Herb Rich In Oil Has Great Income Potential

The brown cover of wheat on several farms along the busy Njoro-Elburgon Road stretch yonder, giving one an impression of how dominant the crop is in the region.
However, some 2km from Njoro town in Kenana village, the dominance of wheat is challenged by luxuriant purple-flowered plants.
The farm, a head-turner, belongs to Stephen Gatimu and he grows chia (Salvia hispanica), whose seeds have become popular due to their immense benefits.
We find Gatimu strolling on the farm, which is one of the several on which he grows chia.
He farms on a total of 10 acres on different farms around Nakuru, with each hosting the crops at various stages of growth.
He carefully cuts the apex of an already dry plant, rubs it in his hands and winnows the brown chaff. He puts the tiny black seeds in his mouth.
chia seeds farming in kenya
“Chia is one of the most nutritious foods you will ever come across. It is rich in proteins, Omega 3 fats and a dozen of other nutrients that include calcium, manganese, and phosphorus,” says Gatimu, who has leased the farm at Sh5,000 per acre.
During our visit, he had just completed planting the crop on one of the farms around Kenana. Two days earlier, he had harvested 300kg of Chia from two acres in Rongai, Nakuru, from which he hopes to pocket at least Sh400,000 as the current market price is Sh500 for a 250g pack.
Gatimu, who sells herbal medicine and grows herbs like rosemary, ginger and lemon grass in Molo, ventured into chia growing in 2014 after attending an exhibition in Zanzibar.
“I met a farmer from Rwanda who was exhibiting chia and engaged him. I then researched more and realised how beneficial the crop is.”
Chia seeds farming in Kenya is easy
He purchased 2kg of chia seeds at the exhibition and returned home to sell a portion to one of his patients who had pain in the legs and was confined to a wheelchair.
After two months of consistent use, the patient’s mobility improved. Seeing what the little known chia seeds had done, he planted a kilo on an eighth acre and harvested 30kg.
He later replanted the seeds on quarter-acre, harvesting 70kg and sold 10kg to his clients making at least Sh10,000.
“I planted the rest on two acres from which I harvested 700kg that I sold some 100kg to various people, including at exhibitions, earning Sh200,000. This success made me lease the several pieces of land to grow the crop for commercial purposes,” says Gatimu, who employs at least 15 casual workers to assist him with planting, weeding and harvesting.
To plant the crop, the farmer ploughs the land and levels the ground. He then drills rows 2ft apart and plants.
Chia sprouts after about two weeks and germinates faster when there is good rainfall, taking some three months to mature. One must weed at least thrice before harvesting.
Gatimu grows the crop organically, as he does not apply fertiliser during planting and avoids application of pesticides, noting they destroy the quality of seeds.
“The crop is resistant to diseases and pest attack, making its organic farming easy. Some farmers dry the chia seeds using electricity, which destroys the nutrients. Majority of those who buy insist on organic seeds, which is why I process mine organically,” notes Gatimu, adding he is one of the biggest farmers of the new crop in the country.
Another advantage of the crop is that it is not prone to birds’ attack. On the edge of the pods are spikes that make it difficult for the birds to peck and break the hard brown cover to reach the seeds.
Chia is easy to grow but it has a set of challenges, especially during harvesting.
chia seeds
“Harvesting is labour intensive as I use a sickle to cut the plant at 4 inches from the ground at the point where it begins to branch.”
The next step is sorting the harvest to remove any unwanted materials, including weeds. The seeds are then left to dry for at least three days.
Marketing chia seeds in Kenya
“Besides my herbal business, I market the seeds through social media sites including Facebook and WhatsApp through the help of my son, an engineer, and people buy,” says Gatimu (66), who was licensed by the Ministry of Culture in 2007 to practice herbal medicine.
He is also a member of National Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association.
chia seeds for sale kenya
He attends numerous exhibitions, farmers’ trainings and seminars to learn and promote the crop.
Chia seeds can be eaten whole, ground into flour, pressed for oil or even prepared as a drink if soaked in hot water.
Monica Mburu, a food science lecturer and researcher at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, says chia farming in Kenya is still new and few farmers are aware of the crop.
“Those who are growing the crop are doing it on trial and error basis relying on information from the internet,” she notes, adding that the crop has a high nutritional value and can be a good money-maker.
Prof Richard Mulwa, a horticulture expert from Egerton University notes that chia is an annual herb that grows up to a metre high with purple or white flowers produced in numerous clusters in a spike at the end of each stem.
It is grown commercially in the US, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Australia and Mexico for its seeds that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
The seeds yield 25 to 30 percent extractable oil that includes alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).
Soaked seeds develop a mucilaginous gel-like coating that gives chia-based beverages a distinctive slimy texture.
“This crop has not been officially introduced in Kenya and, therefore, finding quality seeds may be difficult,” he says.
Benefits of Chia seeds
·         Chia seeds farming in Kenya is done for its seeds, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
·         The seeds yield 25–30 percent extractable oil, including alpha-linolenic acid.
·         Chia seeds are small ovals, mottle-coloured with brown, gray, black, and white varieties.
·         The seeds absorb up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked.

Chia seeds farming is easy and you can do it even on a quarter an acre and earn good returns after three months. 

To start, it is important that you have this guide at hand. It gives you all the information you need including contacts of where to get seeds. 

You can now request for it from our Resources Page

At 25, I am Making Big Cash With My Tree Tomato Farming and Chicken Keeping

Nothing could beat the fulfillment that comes with earning a livelihood from doing what one truly loves and for one young man Dennis, tree tomato farming and keeping chicken is what makes his heart beat. This kind of farming, unlike most young people in Kenya would imagine, has become more of a delight and less of a chore for him.

tree tomato farming in kenya
Tree Tomato farming in Kenya
After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health from Masinde Muliro University in December 2015, Dennis Kanyugo was buoyant about finally putting his skills to practice. He got placement as an intern at the Nyeri Provincial General Hospital (PGH), as he sought his footing in his dream career. Kanyugo interned here for a year, earning Sh30,000 a month.
Today however, his interest in public health is not as much as it is in farming. At 25 years, Kanyugo has a newfound interest: he grows Red Oratia, the best variety of the tree tomato in Kenya so far, and rears chicken in the family farm in Mathari, just outside Nyeri town.
So how did his interest in tree tomato farming grow? During a visit to Embu with a friend, he met a farmer who grew the fruits. He was impressed.

“He had 300 trees of grafted red oratia on his small farm, from which he was making almost super-normal profits while also training other farmers on the various techniques of grafting. I was fascinated and inspired,” Kanyugo recalls.

After days of evaluation, he concluded that farming tree tomatoes would be a worthy go, one worth walking away from his career eventually. Though his parents were taken aback by his drastic move, they allowed him to use two acres of their three-acre parcel of land in Nyeri County.

“With the Sh100,000 I had saved, I was ready to kick-start this project - most people disregard the little money they earn from their first jobs, yet little as it is, spent prudently, it is enough.”

At first, he juggled the internship with his farming endeavours with some ease. Soon, however, it became difficult to offer the attention each deserved, and so he quit to concentrate on farming. Like with all startups, the ride sometimes gets bumpy. For instance, when he was starting off, he lost Sh75,000 after he was tricked into buying the wrong seedlings.

After that costly mistake, Kanyugo was wiser. “I visited the farmer that inspired me to plant this fruit and he taught me the basics of tree tomato farming. I learned many things that I had overlooked right from raising my own strong seedlings, proper preparation of the planting holes, farm maintenance and most importantly crop protection.”

He explains: “I learned the importance of starting off with healthy seedlings as that determines the growth vigour of the plant and how long it will take to mature.”


In May 2016, he planted 2,000 trees which by the time we were meeting him had matured and were due for harvesting.

“The trees produce between 20 and 25 kgs of fruits annually. A kilo of tree tomato fruits sells at between Sh60 to Sh80 depending on the demand in the market.”

He also keeps poultry – at any given time, he has 1,000 birds.
“Broilers take about six weeks to mature. I have split my birds into three groups, such that when I introduce new chicks, another batch is three-weeks old and the third one ready for sale. I transport 500 birds for sale at the City Market in Nairobi after every three weeks. This stargered production ensures a regular supply of income.”

The young farmer has three farmhands who work both in his tree tomato farm and in the chicken section. He spends between Sh40,000 and Sh70,000 every month on labour.
For potential poultry farmers, he advises: “The secret to successful poultry farming in Kenya is getting the right breed of chicken, having the right feed, establishing a proper feeding schedule and proper housing with adequate ventilation. Broilers are tougher than layers and sleep after feeding. They are the best breed for starters because of their fewer demands.”   

With decent success in poultry and a massive fruit harvest in the offing, one may be tempted to imagine that Kanyugo is now content. Except that these accomplishments have only whetted his appetite for more success in agribusiness. 

“In two years, I plan to put up a fruit juice and jam processing plant on the farm. Value addition of the fruits will boost my income while creating more jobs,” he says.

Further Training on Tree Tomato Farming in Kenya

tree tomato farming guide
Tree tomato farming guide for kenya
Did you notice that Dennis had to go back to his mentor for information on his new venture? Just like I have always said, success in farming starts with information. Gather as much information as you can before engaging in a new farming project. 

Visit farmers who have done it, engage agribusiness professionals and decide on your best methods of marketing beforehand. If you can afford to hire skilled people to help you in managing your investments in farming, that would be a great step in the right direction.

We also have this comprehensive tree tomato farming guide. It is in pdf form so you can even read it from your phone while at the farm. You can now request for it from our Resources Page.

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