Yes, Grapes Can Grow In Kenya And Fetch You Over Ksh.400 Per Kg

Grape is a is a climbing plant that produces fruits in a bunch of edible berries and grows well in various parts of Kenya such as Naivasha, Meru and Bungoma. They can be eaten raw or can be used to process wine and other products such as jam and grape juice.

There are plenty of health benefits in consuming grapes for they are a rich source of Vitamins- A, C, K and minerals such as iron, copper, manganese.
grapes farming in kenya
Grapes farming in Kenya

Grapes are widely cultivated all over the world due to the fact that they are non-climatic and can thrive in different climatic conditions but they prefer warm to hot temperatures.
Grapes are suitable for home gardeners and for small scale or large scale commercial production.
In Kenya, grape farming can be used to create thousands of jobs and millions of shillings in income because there is a good market within the country. There is ready market throughout the year and new wine companies that use grapes as their main raw material are setting shop in Kenya. Established companies such as East African breweries ltd are thinking of entering the wine market as they seek to diversify. The future of this crop is promising.
A good percentage of the grapes consumed in Kenya is imported and mostly sold to the high end market that pays a good price for them- a kilo goes at around 400-500 Ksh. Wine producing companies such as Kenyan wine agencies do import the grapes they use because of the good quality of imported grapes and lack of local supply.
Any company prefers getting their core raw materials from within and are only forced to import if they have no other choice. This greatly increases the cost of production and denies such companies a competitive advantage. Some of the companies are aware of this and have developed their own grapevine orchards but the grape produced is still insufficient.
Grapes’ growing in Kenya is still in its formative stage despite the fact that there are grapevine orchards in different parts of Kenya that are more than 20 years old. This means that there is a great opportunity for more farmers and home gardeners to take up this crop. Farmers can go an extra mile and establish wine making cottage industries that will improve the economic outlook of their locality.
There is a lot to be done in Kenya to ensure farmers are well trained on grape cultivation and value addition to guarantee high quality produce that will rival imported grapes and wine. Richfarm Kenya does train farmers at their Embu, Kiritiri nursery on grapes farming and also provides ready to plant seedlings right there. You can book a day to visit by simply calling 0724698357.
Grape prefers deep and well drained soil and can grow in any soil type. They can be propagated through seeds or vegetatively by using cuttings. However, it is advisable to get ready seedlings from established nurseries. 
There are different types of grapes each having its own characteristic, advantages and disadvantages. You can learn the difference between these various types by visiting any Richfarm Kenya outlet.  
Home growers should sample the different varieties; they can be planted along the fence in the homestead and trained well to conceal the fruits when it matures.

So indeed you too can start your grapes farm wherever you are in Kenya. Those in warm and hot areas have an advantage as their grapes become sweeter than those cultivating them in cool or cold areas. 

Grapes farming is not difficult at all especially if you follow the simple steps given in this comprehensive grapes farming guide. It is actually written for the Kenyan farmers. You get a copy from our Resources Page
We are always ready to answer your questions. So if you need any help or you want to order seedlings, simply call or WhatsApp us on 0724698357. We deliver countrywide.

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